Wednesday, 26 October 2016

If two months ago someone told me, “You'll find your groove Emily. Things will eventually no longer feel so overwhelmingly new, you'll start to make friends and maybe even become more independent,” I would have laughed in their face. “Yeah, right.” I would have said, “You're crazy. Mwanza is too different from my home in Canada. I don't think I will ever feel even remotely comfortable here.”... Oh how I laugh at my past self. God is continuing to show me that He has things under control. There is no need for me to worry or fear, because He holds each day in the palm of His hands. He has already conquered every challenge and tough situation that I will have to face not only here in Mwanza, but where ever else I may end up.
As of last week, after lunch on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays I help with reading in the grade 1 class at school. We have been working on the pronunciation of certain letters and letter pairs, such as “th”, “r” and “bl” sounds. Although there is only one grade difference between the reception class I am in in the morning and this grade 1 class, I feel like these children are so much older! Not only is their ability to speak English higher then the reception class, but their interaction with each other and their teachers is on a whole other level. I have really enjoyed getting the opportunity to teach some lessons in the classroom, and work with the class 1 teacher, Teacher Betty.

As I've been creating a routine of my own, sometimes the times I need to be at the Village are different then when Jade and Julius need to be there. Because of this, they have so graciously allowed me to drive their car! That's right! You heard me! It took quite a bit of getting used to as the roads here are the same as Britain; and opposite to Canada! It is also very busy; lots of cars, people, piki-piki's (motorcycles) Dala dala's (Taxis) and even cows and goats sometimes! This allows Jade and Julius to not have to “taxi” me everywhere (which is nice for them) and it allows me to be a little more independent (which is nice for me)! That's one thing that I have definitely struggled with. It has gotten better now, but at first I felt like I was 4 years old again. I couldn't go anywhere on my own, I couldn't really communicate with anyone on my own, I even needed Jade and Julius to explain to me what I was eating at times. It was extremely humbling to be so reliant on somebody else for even the simplest of tasks. I am very thankful they were, and still are, so patient with me. I'm sure at times it feels like having a third child!
Dala dala's are 14-seater vans used for public transportation and are often people's main mode of transportation here.  I had the opportunity to take one home the the Village one day, accompanied by my friend Paul. It was so cool!! Paul made me do all of the necessary talking as well as pay our fare (forcing me to speak to the conductor of the Dala dala), which if I'm being honest, I totally hated in the moment but now really appreciate. I can now take a Dala dala all by myself if it is ever necessary. So awesome! This honestly made me so excited!
With every day that passes I wish more and more that I could speak Swahili. Although I know greetings and some basic words, being able to communicate fully in Swahili would be really amazing. I am finding it difficult to learn and practice Swahili as when I am at the Village people will automatically speak to me in English. Prayers that I will not loose hope in my Swahili learning would be great, and also that I wouldn't be afraid to step out of my comfort zone and try to use and practice Swahili. The El Salvador team from Bethany is leaving next Saturday for a week of building homes and serving the community in El Salvador. Please join with me in prayer for safe travels, that their week would go smoothly, be full of love, learning, and serving, and that God would continue the amazing work He has already begun in El Salvador through incredible teams like this one!
Once again I am overwhelmed by the love, support and prayers you so graciously pour into my life.

View from "Dancing Rocks!" God is an artist!

Loved getting to explore "Dancing Rocks" with Ezra!

A selfie to document my first time taking a Dala dala! 

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

At Village of Hope Mwanza there are 10 childrens homes each with a house mum, an auntie (day worker) and 8-9 children. During the week-long term break at the school I got the opportunity to spend time in 3 of these homes. It was so fun! Although each home was similar in some aspects, they were also extremely unique and getting to be a part of their uniqueness is honestly a highlight of mine so far.
I first visited the home of Mumma Jackie. These two days were filled with many laughs!! She always seemed to be smiling! There was always music playing so often we would break out in spontaneous  song or dance. Not only was Mumma Jackie eager to work on her English, but she was very enthusiastic about teaching me Swahili! She was extremely patient when it took me 1 or 2 (or 10) tries to pronounce something correctly. We would often point at different things like trees or clothes or food and I would say the word in English and she would say it in Swahili. It was kind of like a really fun game! She taught me how to help them wash their clothes and how to cook on a coal stove, as well as how to make ugali, which is a very popular food in Mwanza... and very hard to make! It's like trying to stir a really thick dough for an extended period of time. I could only stir it a couple times before my arm hurt! Getting to spend time with these children outside of the classroom was so nice, and getting to know Mumma Jackie and Auntie Jenny more then just saying “Hi” occasionally was so nice.

The second house I got to spend time in was Mumma Cabula's. Mamma Cabula's English isn't as strong as Mumma Jackie's and I am still only speaking very little Swahili, so communicating often turned into a game of sherades. Although this made even simple communication difficult, it forced me to really pay attention and be observant of my surroundings. I also didn't realize how much you learn of something new (for me Swahili) then when you're forced to just figure it out. While at Mumma Cabula's I got the opportunity to spend time with a boy named Sita. Sita has cerebral palsy and a one on one worker who does physiotherapy with him twice a day, as well as care for him. Sita LOVES music, so there is often music playing throughout the house. The song often sung by the other children of the house is “Na penda Sita, na penda Sita, na penda Sita.. yea yea yea!” Which translates to, “I love Sita, I love Sita, I love Sita.. Yes yes yes!” Seeing his face light up when he hears these words could make any heart melt. After lunch both days the children and I spent an hour or so working on times tables. During this time the children also taught me how to count in Swahili, I can now go up to 30!! They also taught me how to play a game featuring bottle caps and a bead which we played once we got tired of times tables.

On Friday I spent the day at Mumma Melissa's. Unfortunately I only got to spend a couple of hours at her home, but it was still very nice! If we wanted to communicate we did so using the children as translators, which made things extra interesting! Before lunch two of the boys, grades 3 and 5, asked if I could help them with their math. I thought, sure I can!!.. or maybe not. I realized my math skills ARE NOTHING without a calculator. What is long division? What is multiplication of seemingly ginormous numbers? I finally understood why math teachers are always saying “Try and do it in your head!” It all makes sense now!! Mamma Melissa also has 2 children with physical disabilities living in her home, Nuru and Amisa, who both have cerebral palsy. The opportunities given to these two girls through the Village of Hope, their one on one workers and the love poured on them from their house siblings is truly heart warming.
I honestly don't have enough words to describe how much I loved spending time at each of these houses. I made so many new friends in the older children as well as the Mumma's, and look forward to hopefully getting to spend time with them again!
In just a week there will be two missionaries from Barrie coming to Mwanza to help with some of the projects that are being started here. Prayer for smooth travels and a safe arrival for them would be amazing! Once again thank you for your continued prayers. I am so thankful to have such an awesome group of people surrounding and supporting me!


Trying to cook ugali...

Bruno, Joshua, Moses, Baraka and Timo posing for the camera!

Mumma Jackie's smile is contagious!

"Say kuku!"
*Kuku means chicken, which they have 4 of!