Hey Friends! Sorry about the late post, we haven't had consistent internet in a while which has made blogging pretty difficult. All that to be said... Merry *belated* Christmas!!! I hope your
Christmas celebrations were filled with many laughs and lots of love
as you celebrated our incredible saviors birth. This was my first
Christmas away from home.. and my first Christmas is without snow!!
It was so weird- it felt like someone picked a random day in the
middle of summer and decided to call it Christmas. Although Christmas
was very different this year, it was still so good. We
spent Christmas Eve at The Village- where there were presentations by
the mama's, aunties, and even a “modern day” Christmas story play
created by the Village of Hope children. After the presentations all
300 of us ate together, followed by dancing, singing, talking, and
just being in community with each other. Although by the end of the
day I was totally pooped, I was so content. Even though this
Christmas was different then what I'm use to, it was still so good. I
may have been a bit skeptical at first, but I learned that different
and bad are not the same thing, and don't need to be used together.
As I experienced this community at the Village, I was reminded of the
amazing community I have in Bethany, how thankful I am for this
incredible church community and it's support, and how I can't
wait till I get the chance to watch the Christmas Eve service
Only a snap shot of everyone gathered for our Christmas Eve celebration! |
Dance club getting ready to perform! *Video to be posted soon* |
A modern day Christmas Story. |
On Christmas day we went to church and then went to a family friends
house for lunch!! If I'm being honest, it felt like one of the
longest days EVER, as I had to patiently await until 8pm for the
arrival of my family.
But it was worth it!! They have only been here 3 days so far but I
love it. I mean, it's totally weird and I feel like my worlds are
colliding, but it's awesome being able to share this part of my heart
with them, and I love seeing them fall in love with the children just like I
As we move into 2017 in only a few short days (I know- crazy right!?)
I pray that you my friends are doing well. I am so thankful for you
Merry Christmas and Happy New year!!
Taken Christmas day... and it felt like summer!! |